Your marketing master plan to become a coveted brand

Through individual marketing solutions and targeted employer branding Present your company and attract customers and qualified specialists.

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For craftsmen and local businesses

Do you recognize yourself?

Your external image does not correspond to what you want to announce...

Do you have to reject orders because you lack employees?

Have your previous job advertisements been unsuccessful?

You don't know how to communicate your offer to the outside world?

You don't have a marketing strategy or clear planning? Your social media profiles do not follow any concept.

Are you stuck with a lot of tasks and can't focus on your core competency?

WHY should YOUR company be the top choice for customers and employees?

In fact, 98% of companies struggle with this fundamental question. Many rely on pure performance or their product.

The fact is: customers today have the choice of who they prefer as a provider. Price often plays a decisive role. Today, qualified specialists can also choose their employer. A good salary or a company car are no longer sufficient to retain skilled workers in the long term.

Customers and employees must feel attracted to the company's brand identity.

Together we make your company visible, tangible and desirable for potential employees, customers and your team.

  • Trained media designer

  • 15+ years of experience in agencies

  • Successfully completed over 50 customer projects

  • Numerous further training courses

  • Understanding of the industry and problems

  • All-in-one service with a wide range of services

  • Personal 1:1 support

Jasmin Cierzo

Your company after our cooperation

Your external image is appealing and differentiates itself from the competition

They attract attention and sympathy

You have a master plan , clarity and an overview

You will be visible as a top employer and company

They become interesting for potential employees

There is a motivating , good atmosphere in the team

My method

1st step:

Join Workshop

Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir Ihre (Arbeitgeber) Marke. Wir gehen  Ihrem "Warum", Ihrem Versprechen und Angebot auf den Grund. Wir analysieren Ihre Herausforderungen, Probleme, Wünsche und Ziele.

2nd step:

Master Plan:
Analysis and Planning

Die Workshop-Ergebnisse werden gründlich analysiert, um konkrete Schritte zur Stärkung Ihrer (Arbeitgeber) Marke festzulegen. Der Masterplan bringt Klarheit und einen Überblick um Ihre Herausforderungen zu meistern und Ihre Ziele zu erreichen.

3rd step:

Concept, Design and Realization

Der Masterplan wird in die Tat umgesetzt, und konkrete Schritte werden aktiv verfolgt. Die Umsetzung der Grundlagen erfolgt in Verbindung mit einer langfristigen Planung, die nachhaltige Auswirkungen haben wird.


Through a clear website we convey your vision and your unique offer.

Social media

A strong presence on social media makes your company tangible and interesting.


Targeted advertisements speak directly to potential employees and customers.


Through a clear website we convey your vision and your unique offer.

Some customers I have already helped with their mission

Book your desired date now

  • Book a 100% non-binding initial consultation of around 15 minutes with me.

  • Together we will find out whether I can support you with your challenges and goals.

  • If it feels good for both sides afterwards, we will arrange a personal appointment

MAke an appointment

Due to the high quality standards and intensive support, I only accept a limited number of customers.